- Material Handling market seeks rack deck with open area for
fire safety compliance, as an alternative to wire deck.
- Design was initially for ESFT (Early Supression Fast Response)
- 1998: DACS begins research & development effort.
- Initial design with flat holes unsuccessful.
- Stiffening flanges were added after prototype testing.
- Patent applied for.
- Late 2001: Production of Punch Deck® begins in
Sparrows Point, MD.
- First major installation: 4,000 shelf levels for an archive
storage facitlity in NY State.
- US Patent #6,401,944 received.
- NFPA 13-2002 prohibits solid shelves without under-shelf
sprinkler heads.
- 2010: Punch Deck® Earns Factory Mutual Approval
- 2012: Punch Deck® Plus Earns Factory Mutual Approval