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Punch Deck earns FM approval
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Punch Deck® Earns Factory Mutual Approval

DACS is pleased to announce that its Punch Deck® open area rack decking has been granted an FM Approval*. This is the first of its kind for any rack shelving product in the material handling industry.

Samples were laboratory fire tested in accordance with Standard # 6914, “Open Shelving for Racks”. With this FM Approval, Punch Deck® can be considered equivalent to 70% open area and usable in warehouses with sprinkler protection conforming to FM Global Data Sheet # 8-9, “Storage of Class 1,2,3 4 and Plastic Commodities”.

The listings for the 3 models of Punch Deck® are available at www.approvalguide.com.

* “Industrial and commercial companies around the world rely on products and services that are FM Approved and specification tested to protect their properties from loss. The FM APPROVED mark, which is backed by scientific research and testing, tells customers your product conforms to the highest standards.” – www.fmglobal.com

PDF version of this press release - (104K)

FM approved Punch Deck from DACS, inc.

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